CaUsE I MiSs yOu, BoDy AnD SoUl sO StRoNg ThAt i TAkE My bReAtH AwAy, AnD i bReAtH YoU InTo mY HeArT aNd PrAy FoR ThE sTrEnGhT tO StAnD ToDaY cAuSe i lOvE YoU,wHeTHeR iS WrOnG Or rIgHt aNd i tOuGh I CaNt bE WiTh yOu ToNiGhT, aNd kNoW My hEaRt iS bY YoUr SiDe"....
Back lah sangat kan dah lama giler x hupdate blog nie...i will hupdate soon stotry to share all my friend currently, for this moment just tgh kumpul story for next entry...