Saturday, July 17, 2010

Thanx to be my frienzzzz...

first of all.. i just would like to say 1000 thanz to that person cause willingnes to be my good frienzzzz....i feel so happy coz i will be a part of ur 1000000000 frienzzz u ordinary person like me, its quiet hard to get the frienzzz..i'm a very simple person with the own particular world..i did not involved to much for the sosial life like the other person..sometime i felt i want to be a part of the kind of a human very often to accepted the other way life outside..but i can't do that..mybe its all about my surrounding and my envioremant. that is very important thing i'm really enjoy about my life today, no matter how the problem come or leave in my life i'm still can control or managed my life without need someone arrange for me except their god Allah....

we did'nt know what/ how actually luck or the bad thing will come into your life..everything is not our control,let's HIM/God do thier own job..we need just accepted what thier planning without feel regrat or disappointed...for me ,everything good or bad thing come into my life as long as i trying to adopted into the my mind is a one of the " way of the true life" , let's the thing passes and left as a good knowladge and huge memory that ever u had.

like its was happened to me, i'm not expected that i will got someone that really willing to be my friend, it was like a suprised to me and after all a bad thing happened to me before, god still love and protect me with gave me someone are very happening ,honest,bit childish,cute and the very impotant thing we planing do something together in future...i'm really often/excited to be a one of their friend...thanx god..Alhamdulillah...

since i know u before, i know u will be a good friend to me...

Saturday, July 10, 2010

SeLf pResErvAtIoN...!!!




Only one word today............BORINK...!!!!

Tidy up my home.....done it!!!

Cooking.........On Diet.!!!!

Shopping........Under Consideration.!!!!

Sleeping........Not Sleepy At All.!!!!
On Line.......Only Update My Blog..!!!


Nak wat apa selain melukis , memasak, wat kek, wat bodoh, ngadap tv sampai lebam, nagging alone, bubling alone, nonsense alone, preserve alone, all the thing is alone now.....

the answear it is .................BORINK...............

Otak nie pun dah naik bebeal sampai tak tau nak update apa utk entry kali nie.....
Could you imagine how lonely i'm stay at home alone....
the pic's below to showing thru my feeling when the lonely come into my heart
every part of my heart look so calm n cool...
but its not reveal the secret of my true emotion...


KnP TiNgGaL KaN SeSuAtU DuLu....????

wHy yOu'Re lEaVe mE WItH SoMeThInG "aUrA" tHaT I CoUlD'Nt fORgOt yOu....???

ArE YoU rEaLIZe ThAt u aLrEaDy mAdE Me mIsS YoU SoO MuCh...???

if i wAs KnOw,yOu wIlL lEaVe mE WiTh sOmEtHiNG,..FoRtUnAtElY i dId'nT oFtEn TO MeEt YoU BeFoRe...

bUt iTs aLrEaDy hApPened.....

eVeN ThOuGh i kNoW iT, qUiEt hArD To fOrGoT YoU, bUt WhAt lIkE I SaId..ItS AlReAdY dOnE It....

I'M ReAlY2 hoPe OnE DaY, i cAn fOrGeT YoU As fAst aS PoSiBlE..cAuSe YoU'Re nOt fOr mE.....

BuT THaT ThE SaMe tImE...YuP.!!!..I CaN'T LiEs mYsElF ThAt i rEaLlY LiKe yOu....bUt i cAn't.....

ThAnX FoR EvErYtHiNg, esPEcIlLaY FoR ThE "AuRa" u lEaVe iT To mE tHeN...

i wIlL LoVe tHe aUrA..CaUsE I LoVe HOw u bRiNg It tHe aUrA......
aLl tHaT tHiNg HaPpEnEd iS nOt yOuR fAuLt....tHaT Is mY FaUlT..CaUsE iM rEaLlY EaSy tO FaLliNg iN SAyAnG WiTh sOmEoNe..EiThEr I KnOw ThAt iS WrOnG....
TaPi sApEr pUn aDa hEaRt n fEeLiNg...SoO I'm fReE tO ChOoSe WhO sApEr Yg aKu sUkA...
BuT ItS NoT YoU.....AuS WoKe uP..!! ArE yOu SlEePiNg Ke..???

Friday, July 9, 2010

If oNlY tHe bOld iS YoU....

If you’re not the one then why does my soul feel glad today?

If you’re not the one then why does my hand fit yours this way?

If you are not mine then why does your heart return my call

If you are not mine would I have the strength to stand at all

I never know what the future brings

But I know you are here with me now

We’ll make it through

And I hope you are the one I share my life with

I don’t want to run away but I can’t take it, I don’t understand

If I’m not made for you then why does my heart tell me that I am?

Is there any way that I can stay in your arms?

If I don’t need you then why am I crying on my bed?

If I don’t need you then why does your name resound in my head?

If you’re not for me then why does this distance maim my life?

If you’re not for me then why do I dream of you as my wife?

I don’t know why you’re so far away

But I know that this much is true

We’ll make it throughAnd I hope you are the one I share my life with

And I wish that you could be the one I die with

And I pray in you’re the one I build my home with

I hope I love you all my life

I don’t want to run away but I can’t take it, I don’t understand

If I’m not made for you then why does my heart tell me that I am

Is there any way that I can stay in your arms?‘

Cause I miss you, body and soul so strong that it takes my breath away

And I breathe you into my heart and pray for the strength to stand today‘

Cause I love you, whether it’s wrong or right

And though I can’t be with you tonight

And know my heart is by your side

I don’t want to run away but I can’t take it, I don’t understand

If I’m not made for you then why does my heart tell me that I am

Is there any way that I

Thursday, July 8, 2010


ApA YaNg bErLaKu aDaLaH KeTeTaPaN DaRiPaDa NYA, aKu HaNyA MaNuSia bIaSA Yg aKaN mElAlUi SeTiAp aPa yG TeLaH Di tEnTuKaN wAlAuPuN KaDaNg kAlA iA AmAt mEmEdIhKaN WaT AKu tErTEKaN SeKeTiKa...

sAmPaI MaSa AkU pAsTi sEmUa yG TeRjAdI HaNyA Lh sAtU MiMpI.....

mImPi AkU AdAlAh mImPi InDaH........

iNdAh hAnYa sEkEtIkA sBb aPa..???? seBaB iTu hAnYa mImPi TiDuR MlM Ku...

EnGKaU hAdIr sebElUm LeLaP tIdUr Ku........tErImA KaSiH sBb pErNaH WuJuD DlM sEpArUh HaTi kU...........

tErtEkAn/SeDeY/kNp iTu BeRlAku........................????

Yg mAnA KaMu tIdAk mUnKiN AkAn tAhU AkAn hAdIrKu Di sUdUt hAtImU SaMpAi bIlA-bIlA

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

WhAt wOuLd yOu dO..??

TeTiBa tErInGaT SaTu StaTeMeNt nIe..i wAs rEaD ThE sTaTeMeNt a fEw yEaRS AgO...i'm nOt sUrE wHeRe itS CAmE FrOm, pRoBlY BlOg,pRoBlY FRiEndStEr...NoT SuRe...

iF WhOlE OvEr tHe wOrLd wErE FrOzEn...WhAt wOuLd yOu dO.??

OnLy lEfT YoU N Me.....

i'M WeAk n i cAn'T SuRvIvE At aLL.....OnE DaY I AlSo fRoZeN LiKe tHe oThEr ReSt...

wHaT WoUlD yOu dO...??

Si kEkAsIh : Sy nK AmIk AwK BlK UmAh, PaStU PeLuK aWk pUaS2...EvEn u cAn't fEeL I'm hUgS YoU So cLoSe...

sI PecIntA : kNp AwK X PeGi dAn tInGgAl kAn sY frOzEn mCm tU JeR...CoZ I'M uSeLeSs aNyMoRe...

Si kEkAsIh : Sy tAk NaK...Sy x nK sEsAaT PuN TiNgGaL KaN AwK..eVeN U R BeCaMe ThE IcE cUbE...i cAn't lEaVe u aLoNe...

sI PecInTa : Sy sAyAnGGgGGgG aWk....

Si kEkAsIh : Sy sAyAnGggG AwK jUgAk.....

FoR Me, tHaT Is tHe SimPlE cOnVeRsAtIoN BeTWeEn tHe lOvEr BeFoRe tHeY GoEs TO dAtE.....leSs iS MoRe...

DoEs'nT GiVe iT ToO MuCh.....

jUsT LeSs...

AlWaYs lEsS....

cOz lEsS...

LeSs Is mOrE iN LoVe.....

ItU KaMu...

AdAkAh AkU Dh JuMpA KaMu...???

tApI KaDaNg2 tU rAsA KaMu sGt jAuH DgN Ku...???

TaPi kAmU SuKa "cAlL " AkU aWk...???

AkU TeRpAkSa cAll KaMu aWk JuGaK...???

SeTiAp kAlI InGaT AwK..??

AwK iNgAt kT SaYa tAk..??

KlAu aWk tAk iNgAt SY......sY SlAlU InGaT AwK.....sBlM TdO Sy .....HaNyA AwK DaN KiTa sAjEr yG TaHu...

Saturday, July 3, 2010

KeJe kAwIn..!!!!

oN SuNdAy ArItU, AkU AdA AtTeNd oNe Of tHe WeDdInG InvItIoN My nEiGhbOrHood Lh...aCtuAllY ThE WeDdInG InViTeD mY MoThEr cOz sHe iS KwN LmA MaK...dH LmA JuGaK My mUmM X JuMpA MmBeR DiA SiNcE MY MuM kAwIn..lAsT ShE WaS MeEt hEr fReNd mAsA DiOrG DoK SaTu uMaH MaSa BuJaNg dUlU2..LmA KaN...sO DgN X TaU MaLu dAn sEgAn,AkU pEgI Lh uMaH DiA SeTeLaH MeNeRiMa uGuTaN dRpD My mUm dGN PeLbAgAi uGuTaN Yg mEnAkUtKaN.*mEmUlA X Nk pEgI MalaS*...LaLu aKu rEdHa dH PeRgI...

MaSA SmPaI Kt mjLiS Tu....

kWn my mUm :WaH..!! Dh lMa x jUmPa kAn

My mUm : yE Lh..dULu dOk sAtU UmAh mAsIng2 X KaWiN LG..

kWn mY MuM : sApEr aNaK BuJaNg tU..??

mY MuM : tU AnAk bUjAnG AkU....

kWn My mUm: KlAu tAu Lh aKu aMiK aNaK KaU Jd mEnAnTu aKu.....

aKu : tErSeNyUm mAlU TeRsIpU-SiPu...* dLm hAtI wAh..!!! SaHaM TiNgGi tU ..x rUgI AkU AtTeNd tHiS WeDdInG...HAHAHAHAHAHAH

Thursday, July 1, 2010

nOw i'M ReAlIzE....

sAbAn hArI bErTeMu tAhUn aKu sEdIkIt sEbAnYaK MeNgAjAr eRtI KeHiDuPaN,KeMaTaNgAn dLm mElAkUkAn sEmUa pErKaRa, tInDaK TaNdUk ,PeRlAkUaN,PeRcAkApAn Dan pElBaGaI LaGi,dAlAm mEnItI SeTiAp SaAt yG BeRlAlU DaN yAnG AkAn bErLaKu....

AnTaRa pErKaRa2 Yg sEmAkIn aKu BeLajAr dLm hIdUp :

ApA ErTi iTu kAwAn...

ApA ErTi ItU KeCeWa....

ApA ErTi iTu PeRhUbUnGaN...

ApA ErtI ItU pErGaUlAn...

ApA ErTi iTu nEkAd....

aPa eRtI ItU cInTa...

aPa eRtI SuSaH/SeNaNg...

ApA ErTi iTu gIlA..

sEmUa PeRkArA ItU AkU bElAjAr sEpAnjAnG AkU HiDuP,bUkAn sEnAnG NaK DaPaT SeSuAtU YaNg kItA InGiNi,uSaHa kUaT Di sAmPiNg mAiNtAiN DEsIpLiN yG KoNsIsTeN,AdAlAh sYaRaT DaN KUnCi uNtUk bErJaYa...

aPaBiLa sAmPaI CiTa2 Ku tErMaKbUl dIsItUlAh kEjAyAaN Ku...
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